martes, 6 de junio de 2017

domingo, 5 de febrero de 2017

Unit 6: The Iberian Christian kingdoms (La Reconquista)

In this unit we will study the "Reconquista" from the point of view of the Iberian Christian kingdoms. It was a very long (around 800 years) and complex historical process, that will be decisive for the History of the current Spain and Portugal.  
We will work this unit with the help of these teo presentations:

1) Presentation # 1: Good synthesis, with many maps (an extremely weak point in our book) and some interesting videos. This is the one for our class. 

2) Presentation #2: More extense than the previous one but very well structured anyway. Too long for our class, my recommendation is to watch it at home, because it complete and amplifies some aspects from the previous one.  

Here you have some pictures, helpful for this unit. They are mainly maps, because in our book in this unit the historical cartography is scarse and not very clear.    

Statue to Don Pelayo in Covadonga (Asturias), a memorial for the battle (718-722?) that started the Reconquista

Battle of Alarcos (Ciudad Real) - June 19th 1195 - Castilla (Alfonso VIII) vs. Almohad Empire (Yusuf II), a great triumph for the Muslims 

Battle of the Navas de Tolosa (Jaén) - June 16th 1212 - A Christian International League defeated badly the troops of the Almohad Empire

Surrender of the keys of Granada by the emir Boabdil to the Catholic Monarchs, January 2nd of 1492. Last chapter in the Reconquista.  

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017

Unit 5: Al Andalus

One of the most singular cultural elements in Spain inside Europe is the big relevance of our Muslim past. We will study it in this unit, focused to Al-Andalus, the Muslim Iberia

- You can watch a presentation HERE