domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2016

Unit 4: Art and culture in the Christian Middle Ages (Romanesque and Gothic styles)

In this unit we will study the two most important artistic styles in the European Middle Ages: Romanesque and Gothic. Their development is in parallel to the two previous units, as we will explain in class. You can prepare the unit HERE, although remember you had some information about them already in the PPoints for the units #2 and #3.    

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

Unit 3: The High Middle Ages

In this unit we shall speak about the High Middle Ages (actually the Later Middle Ages or Baja Edad Media en español).

In order to prepare this unit we shall have a couple of different presentations:

1) Presentation #1: It is fantastic, full of data and very clear. The problem is that is maybe too long, and thus it will be impossible to see it entirely in class. My recommendation, the same as in the previous unit, is to have a general overview (NOT to study it carefully) at home while you have the book in front of you. It includes a lot of contents of Gothic art, many more than in the book and too much for the necessary level in this year. 

2) Presentation #2: It is the one that we shall see in the class. Much shorter and managing, it has some short videos, quite educational and curious.  


1) The Hundred Years War (1337-53) 

2) The Black Death (1347-52) 

Historical texts about Feudalism

HERE you can see some historical texts (original sources) about the Feudalism

Videos about the Middle Ages

1) Video #1: From "The name of the rose"

2) Video #2: From "Kingdom of Heaven"

3) Video #3: About Gutenberg and the invention of the printing press

4) Video #4: About the Black Death

Vocabulary for Feudalism (Unit 2)

Vocabulary for Feudalism

Cattle/livestock – ganado
Poultry – aves domésticas
Hens- gallinas

Crops- Cultivos/cosechas
Vine- vid
Cereals- cereal

Acorns- bellotas

Beans-judía, alubia, frijol

Garlic- ajo
Ham- jamón

Sickle-hoz, segadera

Windmill-molino de viento
Watermill- molino de agua (también llamado noria o aceña)