Here you can watch some presentations about the Early Modern Ages, from the fall of Constantinople, the end of the Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantine Empire (1,453) to the French Revolution (1,789).
In order to prepare these five units, you can find interesting these presentations:
1) Presentation nº1: Good general overview about this age. It is actually very managing because to be shorter and very shallow, but it ignorates some fundamental contents, such for instance the great geographical discoveries. It is good for a first general overview, but then to prepare the contents following our book and the presentation nº2
2) Presentation nº 2: It is very complete. It is takes the main contents from the book and slightly develop them, with many sketches, schemes and cartography. My recommendation is to study these units with it in front of you, if possible.
3) Presentation nº3: Only covers the topic about the great geographical discoveries in the 15-16th Centuries, poorly-displayed in the other two. It is an excellent complement for our Unit 2.

1) The Renaissance
2) Protestant Reformation and Council of Trent
3) Martin Luther (commented scenes from the last film with Joseph Fiennes)
4) Catholic Monarchs
6) The Hispanic Monarchy between the Middle and Early Modern Ages
7) El Siglo de Oro español
8) The empire of Charles V: forging the Spanish Empire

1) The Renaissance
2) Protestant Reformation and Council of Trent
3) Martin Luther (commented scenes from the last film with Joseph Fiennes)
4) Catholic Monarchs
6) The Hispanic Monarchy between the Middle and Early Modern Ages
7) El Siglo de Oro español
8) The empire of Charles V: forging the Spanish Empire