In this unit we will study the two most important artistic styles in the European Middle Ages: Romanesque and Gothic. Their development is in parallel to the two previous units, as we will explain in class. You can prepare the unit HERE, although remember you had some information about them already in the PPoints for the units #2 and #3.
Personal Blog with academical purposes from the archaeologist, historian and professor of Social Sciences (Geography, History and History of Arts) in E.S.O. and Bachillerato Saúl Martín González. This blog is a working instrument to support the everyday teaching and study. You can contact me through this e-mail adress:
domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2016
jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016
Unit 3: The High Middle Ages
In this unit we shall speak about the High Middle Ages (actually the Later Middle Ages or Baja Edad Media en español).
In order to prepare this unit we shall have a couple of different presentations:
In order to prepare this unit we shall have a couple of different presentations:
1) Presentation #1: It is fantastic, full of data and very clear. The problem is that is maybe too long, and thus it will be impossible to see it entirely in class. My recommendation, the same as in the previous unit, is to have a general overview (NOT to study it carefully) at home while you have the book in front of you. It includes a lot of contents of Gothic art, many more than in the book and too much for the necessary level in this year.
2) Presentation #2: It is the one that we shall see in the class. Much shorter and managing, it has some short videos, quite educational and curious.
1) The Hundred Years War (1337-53)
2) The Black Death (1347-52)
2) Presentation #2: It is the one that we shall see in the class. Much shorter and managing, it has some short videos, quite educational and curious.
1) The Hundred Years War (1337-53)
2) The Black Death (1347-52)
Videos about the Middle Ages
1) Video #1: From "The name of the rose"
2) Video #2: From "Kingdom of Heaven"
3) Video #3: About Gutenberg and the invention of the printing press
4) Video #4: About the Black Death
2) Video #2: From "Kingdom of Heaven"
3) Video #3: About Gutenberg and the invention of the printing press
4) Video #4: About the Black Death
Vocabulary for Feudalism (Unit 2)
Vocabulary for Feudalism
Cattle/livestock – ganado
Poultry – aves domésticas
Hens- gallinas
Crops- Cultivos/cosechas
Vine- vid
Cereals- cereal
Acorns- bellotas
Beans-judía, alubia, frijol
Garlic- ajo
Ham- jamón
Sickle-hoz, segadera
Windmill-molino de viento
Watermill- molino de agua (también llamado noria o aceña)
jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016
Unit 2: The feudal Europe
Here you are a couple of presentations as a help to prepare this new unit about the Middle Ages in the Christian Europe:
1) Presentation #1: It is very extense and complete. It is good for to ampliate and consolidate your general ideas about this period, but maybe you can found it too long in terms of study. My recommendation is to wacht it quietly at home while you are reading this unit in our book.
2) Presentation #2: Is the one to be used in the class. Shorter and more managing, it has some graphs and pictures very useful and clear. The bad part is that sometimes it has too much writing, that at the end it actually repeats the same contents than in our book.
miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2016
CURSO 2.016-17:
La presente información está reflejada en la Programación Didáctica para el curso 2.016-17 elaborada por el Departamento de Geografía e Historia del I.E.S. Gabriela Mistral (Arroyomolinos), y se expone aquí como información a alumnos y familiares. Estará vigente a todos los efectos durante el presente curso académico, incluyendo la convocatoria extraordinaria de septiembre 2.017.
1. La evaluación será continua y se tendrá en cuenta de forma objetiva, en cada una de las evaluaciones, una amplia gama de puntos de referencia para que la calificación de la evaluación no quede centrada en una única prueba o examen.
2. Atendiendo a la evaluación formativa y continua el Departamento acuerda que la nota media de las calificaciones obtenidas en los exámenes será el 70% de la calificación de la evaluación. Y Un 30% corresponderá a las calificaciones obtenidas en las tareas, actividades y trabajos propuestos en la materia así como se valorará la participación del alumnos en clase , su actitud positiva trayendo el material adecuado, libro, colores, cuaderno……realización de las actividades propuestas …asistiendo a clase y cumplimiento de los plazos de entrega de los trabajos encomendados
3. De esta manera, en el período de cada evaluación, la nota del alumno será el resultado de:
- El 70% de la nota global se obtendrá de la realización de dos pruebas escritas por cada trimestre, serán de contenido teórico-prácticos e incluirán preguntas de definición de conceptos, de relación, de aplicación, de desarrollo y de localización. Se harán mínimo dos por trimestre. El alumno conocerá el valor de cada cuestión en el conjunto de la prueba. Se tendrá en cuenta la correcta expresión ortográfica.
- El 30% de la nota corresponde a la valoración del trabajo del alumno, partiendo del empleo de un vocabulario específico y unos procedimientos correctos en la realización de las tareas encomendadas.
4. Se considerará aprobado en la evaluación la obtención como mínimo de una calificación de 5 (resultado de la suma del 30 % más el 70% ).
5. En los exámenes, trabajos y todo tipo de actividades, se penalizarán las faltas de ortografía . Este Departamento de Geografía e Historia, acuerda deducir 0,10 puntos menos por cada falta, en todas las pruebas escritas, en las lenguas oficiales del currículo vigente.
6. Si un alumno/a no se presenta a algún examen no se repetirá la prueba y en el siguiente examen se examinará de todos los contenidos anteriores.
7. El alumno/a sorprendido/a copiando en los exámenes será sancionado con el suspenso automático, con la calificación de 0 (cero) en el examen en el que estaba copiando.
8. El alumno/a perderá el derecho a la evaluación continua cuando el total de faltas injustificadas se atenga a lo dispuesto en el Reglamento de Régimen Interno.
9. La nota final de curso será la nota media de las tres evaluaciones .
10. Los alumnos/as con calificación negativa en Junio realizarán una prueba extraordinaria en Septiembre, que versará sobre todos los contenidos del curso.
martes, 13 de septiembre de 2016
Unit 1: The Early Middle Ages
You can see here the presentation in Power Point related with this unit.
With this unit we shall enter in the contents of History. More accurately, we will study a new stage in the History of mankind: the Middle Ages, the 1,000 years of History that happened from the fall of the Western Roman Empire (476 A.D.) to the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire (or Byzantine Empire) in 1,456.
domingo, 5 de junio de 2016
Unit 10: The XVII th Century
In this link you have a good presentation about the Unit 4 from our book, focused to the XVIIth Century in Europe, the Hispanic Monarchy and the colonies.
Here you are the final scene of the Spanish movie "Alatriste", based upon the novels of Arturo Pérez Reverte. This scene is placed on the Battle of Rocroi (1,643), the first defeat of the Spanish Tercios. This battle decided the sign of the Thirty Years War (1,618-48), when Spain lost the European hegemony in favour of France.
2/3 of this presentation, after the main contents in demography, economy and politics, are focused about the History of art, with many examples from the Baroque in architecture, sculpture and painting throughout Spain and Europe.
On the other hand, the previous presentation ignores the English Revolution (actually, at least two different social and political processes) in the XVII th Century. You can learn something about these facts here and here. As usual, all these materials are simple supports to the contents present in our book and explained in the class.
jueves, 2 de junio de 2016
Videos about Spain in the XVIIth Century, the Spanish Succession War and the Decretos de Nueva Planta and the "Reformismo Borbónico"
You can see here some videos that acts as a kind of summary of the Spanish History in the XVIIth Century and the early XVIII, the final chapter in our History class for this year.
The first video is about the History of Spain in the XVIIth Century, under the rule of the three "Austrias Menores", the last of the Spanish Habsburgs:
The first video is about the History of Spain in the XVIIth Century, under the rule of the three "Austrias Menores", the last of the Spanish Habsburgs:
second video is about the Spanish Succession War (1,700-1,713/14), a
big turning point in the History of Spain and all Europe and the
last video is about the new policy implemented by the new Dynasty on
the Spanish throne: the Bourbons. This policy, developed through the
"Decretos de Nueva Planta" is known as the "Reformismo Borbónico".
Characterized by the rising of the centralization, efficience and the
absolute Monarchy following the French model, it will be present for all
the XVIIIth Century.
Unit 4: The XVII th Century
In this link you
have a good presentation about the Unit 4 from our book, focused to the
XVIIth Century in Europe, the Hispanic Monarchy and the colonies.
Here you are the final scene of the Spanish movie "Alatriste",
based upon the novels of Arturo Pérez Reverte. This scene is placed on
the Battle of Rocroi (1,643), the first defeat of the Spanish Tercios.
This battle decided the sign of the Thirty Years War (1,618-48), when
Spain lost the European hegemony in favour of France.
of this presentation, after the main contents in demography, economy
and politics, are focused about the History of art, with many examples
from the Baroque in architecture, sculpture and painting throughout
Spain and Europe.
On the other hand, the previous presentation ignores the English Revolution (actually, at least two different social and political processes) in the XVII th Century. You can learn something about these facts here and here. As usual, all these materials are simple supports to the contents present in our book and explained in the class.
Work with texts: fragments of the 2nd and 4th Hernán´s Cortés´ "Cartas de Relación"
In this link you will find a primary source for History. It is some fragments of the "Cartas de Relación" (more accurately, some parts of the 2nd and the 4th ones).
The "Cartas de Relación" were
the chronicles that Hernán Cortés himself sent to Charles V, Emperor of
the Roman Germanic Holy Empire and also king of the Hispanic Monarchy
(with the name of Charles I) at that time. The aim of these documents,
thus, it is to summarize and to inform the Spanish crown about the
process of conquest, colonization and settlement in Nueva España
(Northern and Central America).
Here you can find some key concepts to understand the process of the Spanish conquests, specially in the Aztec Empire.
the text and answer these questions. You have to the monday Novembre,
9th (so, after our exam) to give your exercise to the teacher:
Focus: Where and when is written this texts? Who is the author? To whom
are these documents adressed? What kind of text do you think it is?
(economic, social, politic, religious, laws, managing, historial,
literary, a handbook, etc...)
Internal analysis: What are the main ideas of this text? What
geographic discoveries do the Spaniards in the paragraph #2 (page 3)?
How is the treatment from Moctezuma to the conquistadores? What did he think about them? Does he recall any Aztec myth? What is the role of the Cortes´men on it?
the other hand: How is the description of Tenochtitlán made by Cortés?.
Name some of the main characteristics he recognized in that city. In
general, do you think his writing is in good or bad terms?
the 4th Carta, what he is asking to the Emperor? the arrival of whom
and for which purpose? What he says about the settlement of Spaniards in
new lands? What habits he is complaining about?
Video: The Magellan-Elcano expedition, the first world tour
This video is about the first voyage around the world: the Expedition of Magellan-Elcano in 1,519-22. It is one of the most astonishing adventures in History, and a great epic goal achieved by the Spanish sailors and explorers.
Video: "Nao Victoria, como se navegaba en la Baja Edad Media y comienzos de la Edad Moderna"
Here you have a video about the recent reconstruction of the Nao Victoria, the Spanish ship that starred the first voyage around the world, in the Magellan-Elcano´s Expedition (1,519-1,522). This video is focused on the technical aspects of the ship and the Early Modern Age navigation, in addition of some aspects related with the reconstruction.
domingo, 24 de abril de 2016
Unit 9: The Renaissance and the Early Modern Age
Here you can watch some presentations about the Early Modern Ages, from the fall of Constantinople, the end of the Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantine Empire (1,453) to the French Revolution (1,789).
In order to prepare these five units, you can find interesting these presentations:
1) Presentation nº1: Good general overview about this age. It is actually very managing because to be shorter and very shallow, but it ignorates some fundamental contents, such for instance the great geographical discoveries. It is good for a first general overview, but then to prepare the contents following our book and the presentation nº2
2) Presentation nº 2: It is very complete. It is takes the main contents from the book and slightly develop them, with many sketches, schemes and cartography. My recommendation is to study these units with it in front of you, if possible.
3) Presentation nº3: Only covers the topic about the great geographical discoveries in the 15-16th Centuries, poorly-displayed in the other two. It is an excellent complement for our Unit 2.

1) The Renaissance
2) Protestant Reformation and Council of Trent
3) Martin Luther (commented scenes from the last film with Joseph Fiennes)
4) Catholic Monarchs
6) The Hispanic Monarchy between the Middle and Early Modern Ages
7) El Siglo de Oro español
8) The empire of Charles V: forging the Spanish Empire

1) The Renaissance
2) Protestant Reformation and Council of Trent
3) Martin Luther (commented scenes from the last film with Joseph Fiennes)
4) Catholic Monarchs
6) The Hispanic Monarchy between the Middle and Early Modern Ages
7) El Siglo de Oro español
8) The empire of Charles V: forging the Spanish Empire
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